
How do you know if it is you chosen art or art chosen you?

Being an "art worker" makes not much differences for me with the other kind of daily activity in job category. The difference might be, the origin drives which built you to be an artist is more about "the thing in it self", less about the family or society.

What drove me to this "me" today? Sure, the influences from my teacher plays a dominant role. Somehow or other, I followed the value orientation like most of the others, chosen to learn painting in order to get some "benefit" from collage test. Somehow or other, realised the blurry boundary between tangible and intangible. Then, back to the theme of choice. Not only I choose, but also been chosen. How did I suddenly got the access of this art academy when some of my friends has been struggling for six or seven years. But must be great, good school brings good money!Slowly the idea switched to: good money can't compare with a interesting life. And then… good money and interesting are not the point anymore.

I can't tell the others: it's not good, you can't do it, I can't tell myself if it's a good direction or bad as well. Is money good or bad? What a nonsense question. But without understanding the modern main stream valuation, how administrative work lead to? Without main stream ethics, will there be doctors? or service industry? In my opinion, art belongs not to service industry, it does serve, serve the person who produced it.

Today(I might think different tomorrow), I wish the process of my art and daily life flows naturally like the river, it's a long, spontaneous, a process from within. Like the river, you will search for the places you flowing through and the directions. You change your form and your speed, your physical appearance, maybe also change the way of how you've been seen.

Where are you flowing into? Lot's of the river flowing into the see, but the see might not be the answer.

I'm not in hurry.